Monday 22 March 2010

Rough Cut

Screen Grabs Of Production

This screen grab shows us using iMovie to edit our sequence.    

This screen grab is of the blog page we set up to create a fake news page for our sequence. 
This screen grab shows how we made the logo for our sequence on photoshop. 

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Risk Assessment

-Risk one
-Falling over due to lack of light and branches on the floor in the woods
-Taking flashlights so that we can see what’s on the floor in case we fall could prevent this risk. We could also take sensible shoes.

-Risk 2
-Personal safety
-To make sure we are safe we will be taking an adult with us at all times during filming.

-Risk 3
-Breaking equipment
-Keeping all the equipment in the cases and folding the tripod up at all times when not filming in case we drop it or it gets damaged.


We used photoshop to make this logo, the background used is an image i took that we turned back and white. We used dark colors so that the logo would fit the horror genre of our opening sequence. The font we used was blood crow and survival horror to create more of a eerie feeling to the logo.   

Thursday 11 February 2010

Assesment 4

Assessment 6

For the opening sequence there will be a party so a few people in the background but they won't be in focus. The main actors in this scene will be Elisha Swanson she will be playing Kate Brown, who is the main charter of this sequence. The only other charter in this sequence is the attacker who isn't really seen in this sequence.

The location for the start of the sequence will be at a house party it going to have loud music in the background and needs to have chaotic feeling to it. Also another location will be the woods where it will be dark and quite creating an eerie feeling the only sound will be the main character breathing, foot steps and the attacker as they move closer.

The costume for this sequence will be very simple at the start since a party but I don't want it to be the main focus so the characters will be dressed in darker or plain clothes expect the main character will be dressed in something a little more eye catching just to make her stand out a little bit more because she is the main focus of this scene. The only time the attacker will be seen is when they reach out toward the girl to strangle her so the only part that will be seen of them is the hand and part of the arm, so the only costume is the gloves and coat sleeve. The gloves will be black and the coat will a light brown colour, we don't want to much of the attacker to be seen because we want them to be a mystery at first. The only other costume need we be when the main charter wakes up in bed but once again this will only simple like a t-shirt and shorts.

Assessment 5

Plot synopsis
The main character of this film is a girl in her mid-teens who is an everyday average teenager until she starts having nightmares of herself been murdered but when she wakes up she feels like she has been attacked and even has cuts like the ones out of her nightmares. She then finds out that the horrible nightmares she been have are coming true a day after she had them and people are be killed the same way and the same places as she dreams. She can't stand having the dreams and she people been killed in both her dreams and in reality she sets out to find the killer by herself since no one else believes her but will she be able to stop them? Or will she end up getting herself in the same situation as she is in, in her nightmares?

Opening sequence
The opening sequence starts at party were a girl (the main character) goes outside for some air. She decide to then go for a walk and ends up at the entrance of the woods she hesitates but walks a couple of feet in when she a noise behind her like twigs snapping she calls out to see if it someone from the party following her but gets no answer she starts to panic and walks the other direction but gets lost in the woods and the noise starts to get louder and closer so she try’s to run away but she then falls over and scratches her hands as she stands up we see from the person following her angle watching her as she looks around then as they attack by strangling her the audience we only she the girls face and the attacker gloves. The next shot will be of the girl shooting up out of bed breathing heavily think it was just a nightmare until she looks down at her hands and there scratched and she feels like she really has just been strangled.

Target Audience
The target audience for are film is older teenagers around 18 years old because that is the age rating we are using for our opening but also that is around the same age as the main charter.

Creative techniques
We want our opening to be dark and mysterious atmosphere so we want it to darkish and lots of shadows this will add to the eerie atmosphere we want for are opening. We will also use some hand help camera shot and point of views to make the audience feel the tension and fear as if they are really there.