Thursday 11 February 2010

Assessment 5

Plot synopsis
The main character of this film is a girl in her mid-teens who is an everyday average teenager until she starts having nightmares of herself been murdered but when she wakes up she feels like she has been attacked and even has cuts like the ones out of her nightmares. She then finds out that the horrible nightmares she been have are coming true a day after she had them and people are be killed the same way and the same places as she dreams. She can't stand having the dreams and she people been killed in both her dreams and in reality she sets out to find the killer by herself since no one else believes her but will she be able to stop them? Or will she end up getting herself in the same situation as she is in, in her nightmares?

Opening sequence
The opening sequence starts at party were a girl (the main character) goes outside for some air. She decide to then go for a walk and ends up at the entrance of the woods she hesitates but walks a couple of feet in when she a noise behind her like twigs snapping she calls out to see if it someone from the party following her but gets no answer she starts to panic and walks the other direction but gets lost in the woods and the noise starts to get louder and closer so she try’s to run away but she then falls over and scratches her hands as she stands up we see from the person following her angle watching her as she looks around then as they attack by strangling her the audience we only she the girls face and the attacker gloves. The next shot will be of the girl shooting up out of bed breathing heavily think it was just a nightmare until she looks down at her hands and there scratched and she feels like she really has just been strangled.

Target Audience
The target audience for are film is older teenagers around 18 years old because that is the age rating we are using for our opening but also that is around the same age as the main charter.

Creative techniques
We want our opening to be dark and mysterious atmosphere so we want it to darkish and lots of shadows this will add to the eerie atmosphere we want for are opening. We will also use some hand help camera shot and point of views to make the audience feel the tension and fear as if they are really there.

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