Monday 22 March 2010

Rough Cut

Screen Grabs Of Production

This screen grab shows us using iMovie to edit our sequence.    

This screen grab is of the blog page we set up to create a fake news page for our sequence. 
This screen grab shows how we made the logo for our sequence on photoshop. 

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Risk Assessment

-Risk one
-Falling over due to lack of light and branches on the floor in the woods
-Taking flashlights so that we can see what’s on the floor in case we fall could prevent this risk. We could also take sensible shoes.

-Risk 2
-Personal safety
-To make sure we are safe we will be taking an adult with us at all times during filming.

-Risk 3
-Breaking equipment
-Keeping all the equipment in the cases and folding the tripod up at all times when not filming in case we drop it or it gets damaged.


We used photoshop to make this logo, the background used is an image i took that we turned back and white. We used dark colors so that the logo would fit the horror genre of our opening sequence. The font we used was blood crow and survival horror to create more of a eerie feeling to the logo.   

Thursday 11 February 2010

Assesment 4

Assessment 6

For the opening sequence there will be a party so a few people in the background but they won't be in focus. The main actors in this scene will be Elisha Swanson she will be playing Kate Brown, who is the main charter of this sequence. The only other charter in this sequence is the attacker who isn't really seen in this sequence.

The location for the start of the sequence will be at a house party it going to have loud music in the background and needs to have chaotic feeling to it. Also another location will be the woods where it will be dark and quite creating an eerie feeling the only sound will be the main character breathing, foot steps and the attacker as they move closer.

The costume for this sequence will be very simple at the start since a party but I don't want it to be the main focus so the characters will be dressed in darker or plain clothes expect the main character will be dressed in something a little more eye catching just to make her stand out a little bit more because she is the main focus of this scene. The only time the attacker will be seen is when they reach out toward the girl to strangle her so the only part that will be seen of them is the hand and part of the arm, so the only costume is the gloves and coat sleeve. The gloves will be black and the coat will a light brown colour, we don't want to much of the attacker to be seen because we want them to be a mystery at first. The only other costume need we be when the main charter wakes up in bed but once again this will only simple like a t-shirt and shorts.

Assessment 5

Plot synopsis
The main character of this film is a girl in her mid-teens who is an everyday average teenager until she starts having nightmares of herself been murdered but when she wakes up she feels like she has been attacked and even has cuts like the ones out of her nightmares. She then finds out that the horrible nightmares she been have are coming true a day after she had them and people are be killed the same way and the same places as she dreams. She can't stand having the dreams and she people been killed in both her dreams and in reality she sets out to find the killer by herself since no one else believes her but will she be able to stop them? Or will she end up getting herself in the same situation as she is in, in her nightmares?

Opening sequence
The opening sequence starts at party were a girl (the main character) goes outside for some air. She decide to then go for a walk and ends up at the entrance of the woods she hesitates but walks a couple of feet in when she a noise behind her like twigs snapping she calls out to see if it someone from the party following her but gets no answer she starts to panic and walks the other direction but gets lost in the woods and the noise starts to get louder and closer so she try’s to run away but she then falls over and scratches her hands as she stands up we see from the person following her angle watching her as she looks around then as they attack by strangling her the audience we only she the girls face and the attacker gloves. The next shot will be of the girl shooting up out of bed breathing heavily think it was just a nightmare until she looks down at her hands and there scratched and she feels like she really has just been strangled.

Target Audience
The target audience for are film is older teenagers around 18 years old because that is the age rating we are using for our opening but also that is around the same age as the main charter.

Creative techniques
We want our opening to be dark and mysterious atmosphere so we want it to darkish and lots of shadows this will add to the eerie atmosphere we want for are opening. We will also use some hand help camera shot and point of views to make the audience feel the tension and fear as if they are really there.

Assessment 3

I have researched age rating for the typical content of the horror genre using and other websites focusing on BBFC. From this research I discovered what films usual contained to be deemed a certain rating.

For our opening sequence our group has chosen to do is the horror genre so we've focused on the higher age rating of 15 and 18. Both rating mean the viewer has to be the same or above the age as the rating to watch, rent or buy the film.
A film is rated a 15 could contain violence, language or sexually suggestive scenes. This rating is usually used for films that more towards the comedy genre which contain language and sexual expletive. Also there may be elements of nudity or implied sexual activity, crude humour; crude sexual language Violence that is frequent but not detailed Violence that includes bloody wounds. Most of the content labelled a 15 are comedy or action and not what we are aiming for, for the opening sequence.

An 18 rating is given to films that may include detailed, crude sexual material or drug references these are usually elements found in comedies but this rating is usually used for horror movies that include gore, nudity and disturbing violence. This rating would be better for our sequence because we want to include a range of images and clips that could include disturbing violence or gore.

The release of the horror genre started over 100 years ago the first one was only two minutes long and was made by French filmmaker Georges Melies it was called Le Manoir Du Diable(The Devil's Castle) as was made in 1896. The film was meant to amuse people, rather than frighten them, Instead it considered to be the first horror film. Other early made horror films are The Golem,The Cabinet of Dr Caligari and Nosferatu which are all from the silent era. Horror films were then reborn in the 1930's when sound was used in films which had a big impact for the horror genre. films such as Dracula, The Mummy, Freaks, and Bride of Frankenstein were all film released in the 1930's, they all contain elements of monsters for example vampires and mummys. It then moved on to use creatures in films such as The Wasp Woman and The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms as technology developed. Horror movies in the 1950s were dominated by the 'B' picture; the films were mainly aimed at teenagers using titles like The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini and I Was A Teenage Frankenstein.

Psycho and The Birds were both films that were released in the 60's are were a mix of a horror and thriller but had the glossy, stylish film noir story which didn't include the use of monsters or creatures. Carnival of Souls was another film that was released in the 60s it was low budget film that used zombies as the undead ghouls for this film that were made to look undead by using a lot of make-up and old clothes this made them look realistic but not as horrifying as the zombies image used in films nowadays. one more film that was released in the 60s was Blood Feast which was the first splatter film, was contained very violent and bloody murders. The horror genre then started to use family member as the killers in the shining, shivers, Halloween, the o-men, the Stepford wives and The Exorcist which are well known classics. Other films that were released around this time were jaws and the Texas chainsaw massacre, in jaw the killer was a shark that has one of the most famous build up music used. The Texas chainsaw massacre used a power tool as his weapon and her over the top costume.

By the of the 1980's horror had become gross-out gore that only shocked or amused the audience and was still in the 90's when brain dead was released in 1992 which involved zombies and the hero uses a lawnmower to fight them off. This film was described as hilarious and was far from been scary. Although brain dead was much of a horror film the 90's still managed to get some more memorable movies out like silence of the lambs and se7en both about serial killers. Also other well known 90's films are copy cat, American psycho, the sixth sense, The Blair witch project and blade.

In 2000 final destination was released which want on to release three other films of the same name each one has the main character who at the start of the film will be killed in some kind of accident but then we see that they are only having a vision. The film shows how the characters have to try and cheat death or dying in horrible and bloody deaths. Other films from the 2000's are 28 days later, dog soldiers and deathwatch which are all soldiers of misfortune based films.

Over time horror films have improved and changed with the use of new technology making them scarier and some become more realistic which make them even more effective because they cause the viewer to become paranoid. Also technology is the cause of audiences to see movies in 3D this includes 2009's My bloody valentine which have audiences jumping out of their seats since it the first horror films to use this effect.

Assessment 8

Camera location Time
High angle, tracking shot Hartlepool 25 seconds
Tracking shot Hartlepool 5 seconds

Long Shot Hartlepool 5 seconds

Tracking shot Hartlepool 20 seconds
Medium shot Hartlepool 10 seconds
Handheld, Tracking Hartlepool 20 seconds
Side shot
Long shot Hartlepool 10 seconds

Point of view Hartlepool 10 seconds

Point of view Hartlepool 15 seconds

Point of view Hartlepool 20 seconds

High angle Hartlepool 10 seconds
Point of view Hartlepool 15 seconds

Zoom out, canted Hartlepool 15 seconds
Close up Hartlepool 15 seconds

Assessment 7 Animatic

Friday 29 January 2010

What lies beneath opening analysis

What Lies Beneath Opening Sequence Analysis

The beginning of the opening sequence of what lies beneath the image starts out black, with non-diagetic sound which sounds a bit like white noise; this immediately creates tension and indicates horror within the film. The white noise is scary because it is often used in horror films and so when the audience hear it the immediately associate it with horror. We then start to hear water noises which we realise are diagetic, when water comes across the screen and the twentieth century fox and DreamWorks pictures presents comes up, this creates more tension because it is likely that the audience thought something was going to happen but now it hasn’t, they expect something to happen even more. The water gets lighter then darker, and turns to black which suggests something dark and nasty within the film. Whilst the screen is still black a non-diagetic deep noise comes on, and we see an ImageMovers production credit on the screen, and as this builds on the audience start to feel more and more tension and start to expect something scary to happen next. We then hear a tune which is played on the piano and it creates a great sense of mystery, and once this begins to play, we see the title of the film in the water, and this is when the film is about to start, and because the other music has started the audience start to feel calmer again and don’t expect to see anything too bad.

When the titles go off screen and it turns black again, a deep trumpet noise begins to come in and we hear things getting angrier and deeper. This sound continues on and the camera begins to move through the deep waters, and tension and anxiety are created because it makes the audience feel as though we are about to find something. The screen then goes black and we hear whispering, and the audiences fears go away because they are no longer in the deep dark waters, but the face of a dead woman begins to appear and the audience are immediately in fear, until the face fades into the face of an alive woman in the bath, this creates horror because the audience don’t expect it and therefore it can make them jump.

When the woman lifts out of the bath breathing heavily it is suggested that that could be her in the future, that it is one of her ancestors or that she was possibly imagining or dreaming about it, but because the audiences tension is built up they expect something to be there. When she sits up we see a medium shot of her, and we can also see everything that surrounds her and the audience then start to have a sense of awareness and think that something is there. As the camera slowly breathes in on her panting, it makes the audience think that there is something there which she hasn’t noticed yet because she is concentrating on getting her breath back but the audience, however are concentrating on her, which makes us think that something else could be. We then see her hand picking the hairdryer up to clean the mirror, and straight away the use of the mirror creates a sense that there will be something in the reflection because mirrors are associated with horror, and the audience begin to expect these things. Also the ambient sound of the hairdryer creates a sense of chaos, although there may not be any going on it shows that the woman cant hear anything so there could be something or someone behind here, and this noise combined with the mirror creates greater suspense.

After this the hairdryer goes off and we begin to have more evidence that it is possible for something to be there, when the woman goes to turn it back on by the plug she gets electrocuted, and jumps, which makes the audience jump because the tension is already built up and they expected something, but didn’t know what it was.

When the hairdryer comes back on and a pan shot is used to look at her in the mirror she is drying, we become more scared because as the camera pans round we expect something there too, and it then cuts to her opening the curtains and we see that nothing is going to happen in the mirror.

As she opens the curtains in another room and light is let in there is still low key lighting used, so we can see that something is still going on even though everything else is normal, and this creates a lot of mystery. The camera then cuts to the girl asleep in the bed and light is shone upon her which could suggest a hero or goodness, rather than evil and the audience start to have a sense of safety for the previous character again. After the scene when the woman is waking Caitlin up we see her walking down a corridor of what is presumably her house, and the lighting is very low-key which creates tension again. As the camera pans to show her walking into a room where she says hey to cooper, we expect to see something else or someone else in the room which may shock the character and when we see there isn’t the tension goes away again. After playing with the dog she goes to her lamp to adjust it as though its been moved and she slowly turns around and by this point the tension is built up extremely so its as though the audience and the character expect something or someone to be there.

Thursday 28 January 2010

Horror Flashbacks LowKeyLighting LongShot ScruffyCostumes Woods Churches OpenSpaces DesertedPlaces Hero Killer Blood Violence Creature Swamp Bimbo Cemetaries Mysterious Worried Scared Lonely Panicking LowKeyLighting Shadows Bats EllipticalEditing Voicover-Photographs OldPhotographs Party AmbitentSound IncidentalMusic Certificate18 Non-DiageticSound SoundEffects SoundBridge FastMusic DrumsBeating Anxious CutZoomsIn OverTheShoulderShot OverHeadShot ReactionShot Pan CloseUp TrackingShot Handheld PullFocus ShallowFocus DullWeather Bats